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SPTA 2014



2014 Summer Physics Teacher Academy

Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of California, Riverside
Physics Building, Reading Room 3035

Monday, June 23 2014
7:45am Coffee
8:00am Opening
8:30am Physics Refresher Classical Mechanics Prof. Allen Mills
11:00am Research Lecture Surface Science Prof. Jory Yarmoff
12:00am Lunch
1:00pm Hands-On Tutorial: Careers in Physics Prof. Harry Tom
Tuesday, June 24 2014
7:45am Coffee
8:00am Physics Refresher Optics Prof. Harry Tom
10:00am Teaching Physics Prof. Ward Beyermann
11:00am Research Lecture What is Dust and How Does it Affect Our View of the Distant Universe (Unveiling a Young Galaxy During the Heart of Reionization) Prof. Naveen Reddy
12:00am Lunch
1:00pm Research Lecture From cheerios to viruses: The physics of soft matter Dr. Jef Wagner
2:00pm Research Lecture The Biggest Baddest Babies in the Nursery: What we are Learning about Distant Clusters of Galaxies from the SpARCS Survey Prof. Gillian Wilson
Wednesday, June 25 2014
7:45am Coffee
8:00am Physics Refresher Thermal Physics Prof. Umar Mohideen
10:00am Research Lecture Astronomers' Embrace of Gravitational Lensing and the Search for the First Galaxies Prof. Brian Siana
11:00am Research Lecture The Physics of Ultracold Atoms and New Routes to Quantum Simulations Prof. Shan-Wen Tsai
12:00am Lunch
1:00pm Physics Lab (Rm. 2048) Magnetic force on a current Mr. David Drummond
Thursday, June 26 2014
7:45am Coffee
8:00am Physics Refresher Oscillations and Waves Prof. Leonid Pryadko
10:00am The Next Generation of Science Standards Dr. Maria Simani (Statewide Director, California Science Project)
10:30am Engaging Students in Science James Lincoln, President, Souther California Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers (SCAAPT)
12:00am Lunch
1:00pm Lab Research Experience Making Graphene Kevin Myhro (lab of Prof. Jeanie Lau)
Black Lipid Membranes and Casimir Force Jennifer Salazar and Matt Chiapa (lab of Prof. Umar Mohideen)
Antimatter Prof. Allen Mills
Laser Glimpse Prof. Nathaniel Gabor
Friday, June 27 2014
7:45am Coffee
8:00am Physics Refresher Electricity & Magnetism Prof. Leonid Pryadko
10:00am Research Lecture Dark Matter Prof. Hai-Bo Yu
11:00am Research Lecture Nanotechnology in the Age of Information Prof. Nathaniel Gabor
12:00am Lunch
1:00pm Research Lecture High energy physics Prof. Owen Long
1:00pm Demo Exchange Prof. Leonid Pryadko

leonid at landau dot ucr dot edu

Last modified: Wed Jul 2 09:27:22 Pacific Daylight Time 2014

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